

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Aaron Maxwell Andrews, TUV, “Tutorial on Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL), Quantum Cascade Detectors (QCD), and Quantum Cascade Laser Dectectors (QCLD)”
Abstract: Quantum cascade lasers (QCL) are unipolar intersubband lasers where the lasing energy, extraction, and injection are designed through band gap engineering. As a result, QCLs can emit high-power coherent radiation from 3-300 µm. This broad spectrum covers the MIR and THz chemical fingerprint regions and...

10:00 am – 11:00 am
Jacob Dodson
, AFRL, “Packaging Photonics & Electronics for Harsh Mechanical Environments”
Abstract: This tutorial will introduce quantitative methods useful for the design and evaluation of high-g electronics and photonics; specifically loadings that result from a sudden change in velocity (velocity shock, >50 ft/s). Emphasis will be placed on the mechanical and thermal aspects of the design process.

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Jason Foley
, EOARD/AFOSR, “Support Opportunities in Defense R&D”
Abstract: This tutorial presentation will begin with an overview of U.S. Department of Defense programs (both funded and unfunded) that support defense research at domestic and international institutions. This will be followed by an informal panel discussion with representatives from various U.S. defense research funding organizations.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Janet Wolfson, AFRL, “Work Life Balance”


9:00 am – 10:00 am
Sanjay Krishna
, OSU, “Tutorial: Physics and Technology of Photonic Infrared Detectors”
Abstract: This tutorial will be divided into three parts. We will discuss the phenomenology in the infrared that drive applications, antimonide based infrared detectors that have made significant advances in the past and the next generation infrared imaging designs with enhanced functionality in the pixel.

10:00 am – 11:00 am
Robert Magnusson
, “Principles and Applications of Resonant Metasurfaces”
Abstract: We review principles and applications of nanophotonic devices based on fundamental electromagnetic resonance effects in thin periodic films. We discuss design methods and review typical fabrication processes. Representative devices include single-layer wideband reflectors, nonfocusing spatial filters, nanogrid reflectors and polarizers, and resonant biosensors.

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Brian Mitchell
, AFRL, FL, USA, “Why we need STEM, What We Get Wrong, How do We Fix it”
Abstract: The term STEM has become so ubiquitous that we’ve lost sight of how important it is to our lives. We’re also missing out on a lot of really smart kids, but there’s hope. We can find the talent, close the gaps and save the world.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Claron Ridge, AFRL, “Helium Droplet Mediated Cluster Assembly as a Tool to Probe the Limits of Energy Storage in Metastable Nanomaterials”
Abstract: The recent efforts of our laboratory have been focused on helium droplet mediated deposition as a tool to synthesize novel materials in a pre-reactive, metastable state. We have fabricated a range of materials varying composition, cluster size, stoichiometry, and cluster film thickness.