Mobile APP

Enhance your IEEE RAPID 2019 conference experience with the mobile app and online proceedings.
  • Keep up to date with the sessions, speakers and events.
  • Customize your agenda and add talks to your calendar to tailor your conference experience.
  • Easy access to venue, transportation information, and local sights.
  • Real-time notifications delivered during IEEE RAPID 2019.

QR Code
Using your mobile device, simply scan the QR code and your phone will open up a link in your browser to take you to either the App Store or Play Store to download the IEEE Photonics Society App. Once downloaded, select “2019 RAPID” in the upcoming shows list. On the next page, click the download button at the bottom of the conference description to access the mobile app.

* Android devices may not have an integrated QR code scanner. You may have to download a separate QR scanning app before you are able to scan the code above.

App/Play Store
Simply click here, or search “IEEE Photonics Society” on either the App Store or Play Store! Once downloaded, select “2019 RAPID” in the upcoming shows list to access the mobile app.